Soft Tissue Therapy

       Soft Tissue Therapy - Sports Massage

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft Tissue Therapy provides whole body treatment for people from all walks of life. You might be a professional athlete, musician, actor, builder, teacher or someone who enjoys going to the gym or playing sports at the weekend. No matter who you are, there are times when you might notice general soreness, the odd twinge or something just might not feel right. It might even prevent you from working. 

It’s tempting to shrug this off and either get used to the pain or hope that it will go away on its own. The problem is, if minor injuries are left untreated, they could come back later and turn into bigger problems. To avoid chronic pain or injuries that could stop you doing the things you love, book in for a consultation. There is no niggle too small - We've seen them all.

Phillip uses a range of therapeutic and remedial techniques to source the problem and prescribe realistic and manageable exercises to assist your recovery so that you can continue to go about your life as normal. Soft tissue therapy is effective for several issues, below are a few of them:

Increase Muscle Flexibility

Prevent Injury

Enhance performance

Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Improve recovery

Pain Relief

Removal of Toxins

Improve Posture

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